Thursday, October 3, 2019

Grilled Corn

Grilled Corn, buttered and ready to eat

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Today it was a day for grilling corn on the cob. It has been a wonderful year with plentiful moisture. The corn has been remarkable.

Not everyone appreciates this.  Some years ago while on a project for a company which had been purchased by a German concern, I went to dinner with some of the German managers and engineers.  Corn on the cob was a menu item.  The Germans found us Americans to be odd, because it was their experience that corn was to be fed to animals. In fact, there are two words for our "eat". One usually applies to humans: essen, and the other usually applies to animals: fressen.

As the Germans discovered during that dinner, corn grown for human consumption is very different from the stuff in Germany which is fed to the animals.

How I Grill Corn
I peel back the husk and remove the silk.  Then I soak in cold water with salt for an hour or so:

Soaking in cold, salted water

I then drain slightly but not completely and wrap the corn with the husk tightly in aluminum foul with dull side outward. That trapped water will help to steam and cook the corn:

Wrapped In Foil and ready for grilling
I cook on the grill at medium heat, turning about every 10-15 minutes. Total time about 40-45 minutes, depending upon how hot the grill actually is.  I can usually smell the caramelizing husk when the corn is nearing completion. I then remove from the grill and allow to rest for about 10 minutes.

After resting, I remove the foil. Be careful, the corn can be boiling hot! Slightly burned husk is not a problem.
Grilled with foil removed
Peel back the husk and butter lightly. It is ready to eat.  A sharp knife can cut the ear into two smaller pieces if desired. Or, one can use a sharp knife to separate the kernels from the core and then serve:

Ready to eat

doneness and then serve....

Original Material (c)2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Grilled Salmon with Jalapeno-Honey Glazed

Salmon ready for the grill

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Another day in this terrible life......This is in sympathy to all of those whiners and complainers.....

Today it was a simple meal for dinner with salad, baked potato from the grill and grilled salmon salted, then glazed with a little worcester sauce and a narrow strip of jalapeno-honey .....I loosely tent the salmon with foil so it steams and then flip and open the tent for the final few minutes to finish. I cook to desired doneness and then serve....

Original Material (c)2019

Monday, September 30, 2019

Organic Mushrooms and Stock make Soup


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26,731 days on  the planet....

We went to the local farmers market and purchased fresh mushrooms. These included Maitake mushrooms. "These have been shown to suppress the growth of breast cancer cells."

I purchased with the express intent to make a wonderful soup based upon mushrooms, chicken stock and spices......The weather cooperated because it was a we, cool day.

I sauteed the mushrooms in a little olive oil in a cast iron skillet. I did it in two groups. I transferred to a copper core AllClad skillet when they were sufficiently cooked, just for temporary holding. I'll tell you, when I pulled the lid off the odor was absolutely heavenly.  While this was going on I was simmering the chicken stock with a little curled parsley added.

Once the mushrooms were done I added them to the stock and continued to simmer for a few minutes longer.....After cooling we transferred to a container for the refrigerator to age for a few days....

We'll eat the soup "as is" but we'll also make a batch with cream.......

Mushrooms in Cast Iron

Chicken Stock

The final result, stock and mushrooms combined
Original Material (c)2019

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Meatloaf made by G

Crispy, just the way we like it

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Day 26,729 on the planet...The title of this blog was inspired by spoiled friends and relatives who live a really wonderful life but are constant whiners and complainers and who expect others to come to their rescue every time they f@ck up....

G and I are both the oldest children in our respective families, so we were trained by our parents to care for the youngers.  Then the parents wore out. The younger children did dumb things and continue to do so to this very day, even at the age of 50 or older.

G and I "fight" over who is going to do the dishes, etc.  Meanwhile the younger siblings do their best to avoid any responsibility, including raising their children.  Hmmm, who has the better life? My complaint is the do nothings expect others to bail them out...including us. It won't happen by me.

Today, G made meatloaf using a three meat blend......We have a friendly competition about whose cooking is better....LOL

Original Material (c)2019

Grilled Corn

Grilled Corn, buttered and ready to eat Today it was a day for grilling corn on the cob. It has been a wonderful year with plentifu...